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Writer's pictureRadhika Mehrotra

The Mystic Sweetness of Life

Updated: Jun 20, 2022

There is a mystic sweetness to life that we sometimes fail to see.

In our journey of life, how often do we pause and reflect on this sweetness? Going by our daily chores like a robot—as if we were programmed to do the exact same thing every day. How do you identify with your humanness in this 3D Matrix? After all, we have all incarnated on Earth to progress in our soul journey, didn't we?

One of the most important questions to ask yourself today is—How do I consciously reflect on the gifts that my current life has to offer? As you begin with this question, you will entrain your mind to go beyond sense-perception and enable it to detox itself from all the old patterns and programming that does not serve you in your current journey!

As a matter of fact, the energies of Earth are shifting rapidly. What was a slow-burning process, gently probing us to see reasons for ourselves, has now suddenly erupted as a Volcano. This change is pushing us to our limits, testing us on our loyalty and love for ourselves. You choose to see it now or see it later, but the world dynamics have shifted significantly and there is no way to escape this change.

As a wise person would say—"Go Big or Go Home"!

You would now want to process this in all seriousness (or you are free to go by your day/life as usual)... where do you currently stand in this big project that you have taken upon yourself, your life? Your life is the most important and the biggest project that you sign up and volunteer for! There will be many individuals in your team, some loyal and some not, but do not forget, you are the team leader! You are the protagonist in your own story and your story will be exactly how you would want it to unfold. Does it sound alien to you? Then you might want to question—why have you been sleeping all this while? What is your actual purpose in this lifetime and the current timeline?

The mystic sweetness is not just about the happy things or success or great love... it is also about your failures, biggest fears, worst heartbreaks or someone walking out on you when you needed them the most. Our life is a sum-total of all these great experiences and all these experiences are nothing but our teachers. When life seems a little too harsh, maybe you would want to change its angle a bit and observe it like another story, another chapter, another day. When you consciously give your best to simply explore your emotions and not become them, life truly happens!

Last but not least, this life is more than just a gift. It was a choice that we all consciously made on the other side not just to fulfil our soul's purpose but also further our soul journey, in all dimensions, all timelines—past, present and future and this vast multiverse. If this particular blog happened to you today, trust in the divine that it was no coincidence. It is a message from the Universe, your 'Spirit Guides' and 'Angels', that this is the right time to move forward in your journey. It is the right time to educate yourself, be aware and make conscious choices in your life 360 degrees!

It is time to resonate with all that there is and taste the 'Mystic Sweetness of Life'!

Love and Light,

Radhika and, The Beings of Lemuria, Atlantis and Mu


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